getting started

United freedom convoy collection

Our collection was inspired by the freedom movements that have happened in over 30 countries around the world. We have seen the power when people unite behind a common cause or goal. We will drive change globally with our Community lead Humanitarian effort. Our Nft collection is the first step in our path of unity and driving change.

80% Charities/Non profits helping with adverse reactions, job loss, and mental illness.

20% United Freedom Fund

6%  growth Fund

Phase 2 is the commencement of the Freedom Fund Token ecosystem. Nft holders will be able to stake there nft and gain FUNDS tokens from staking pool. Each Nft will also be able to claim there FUNDS Airdrop at this time.

First, when you buy a Freedom
Trucker NFT, you are buying a piece of history. Our collection tells the story of what happened around
the world through the power of unity, and how people can come together in solidarity to cause real
world change.

Your Freedom trucker will also:

  • Be able to be staked and receive rewards in FUNDS tokens.
  • Have discounted merch in the future.
  • Gain entry into future United Freedom Fund events and perks.
  • Will be able to claim airdrop. 
  • Rarity of NFT will influence amount of staking rewards and claimable airdrop amount.

We are always looking on how to give back to our community and will strive to create ways to benefit every freedom trucker holder. lots of future utility to be announced

We will always strive to have the most security will all funds raised. To do this, we are implementing several multi sig wallets . This will limit any potential risk of one point of failure. 


Our Freedom Fund ecosystem will have our very own Freedom Fund wallet where community members can store there Nft , hold there Funds tokens and participate in charity proposals and voting. all app and contracts will be audited and tested to insure the highest level of security.

Yes, we will be registered LLC in Canada and most of our team will be doxed . We want to have the highest transparency with our community as we believe this is the only way to grow our community and achieve our goals.  

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